Maple Biscuits- Valentine’s Day Breakfast

Maple Biscuits
Valentine’s Day is a stay at home holiday around here. We’re not dress up and go out to a fancy restaurant kind of people anyway, and the thought of trudging out on Valentine’s Day when the restaurants are all packed and the menu prices are sky high is frankly quite unappealing. Besides, I like to cook and Tim likes to eat what I cook… so it’s a win win for everyone. But that doesn’t mean I spend all day preparing a five course meal. Just the opposite in fact. Our Valentine’s Day meal is usually a simple affair. It’s more about favorite foods than fancy foods. This approach means that the Valentine’s Day meal really can last all day. I’m talking breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. Okay, maybe lunch is only a sandwich cut into a heart shape or soup with a cute note taped to the lid, but it still counts in my book. Valentine’s Day breakfast is the real deal though. Homemade biscuits, crispy bacon, fluffy eggs, and fresh melon! Maple Biscuits
The best part of this Valentine’s day breakfast is how little time it took to make something that tastes sooo good. I probably only spent a total of 25 minutes on this meal and that includes the five to ten minutes it took me to dig out my heart shaped cookie cutters from the box I stashed them in last year.

First I made these simple maple biscuits. They would have tasted just as scrumptious round or square, but to make them Valentine’s Day appropriate I used a heart shaped cookie cutter.
I always use the same recipe for “Basic Rolled Biscuits” from my tattered and stained copy of the Joy of Cooking. Depending on how I want the biscuits to taste, or what I am serving them with, I add or change the ingredients as needed. This time I was going for a slightly sweet flavor so I substituted out a 1/4 cup of milk for the same amount of maple syrup. The syrup gave the dough a faint brownish hue and when I pulled them out of the oven they had deepened to the most gorgeous golden brown color. Maple Biscuits
You can certainly eat these sweet feathery biscuits on their own. I couldn’t resist the aroma of maple mixed with butter and I bit into one straight out of the oven, burning the tips of my fingers in the process. As I took a bite the soft, buttery dough melted in my mouth and the complex sweetness that only comes from real maple syrup made my taste buds step up and take notice. I could have easily consumed them all this way, leaning against the counter and licking my scorched fingers, but since this was supposed to be a meal for two I somehow summoned up enough self control to resist scarfing down the entire batch. Instead I sliced the biscuits in half and layered them with a few slabs of crispy bacon and a spoonful of scrambled eggs.
I topped them with the second half of the biscuit and there you have it- a Valentine’s Day breakfast sandwich!Maple Biscuits
We ate ours with heart shaped melon and fresh OJ…mmmm.
Maple Biscuits

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  • Your pictures are so beautiful. Just thought you should know!!

  • YUM. What else can I say? This sounds incredible and what a concept — Maple Syrup! I’m a sucker and definitely going to try this on our trip coming up! Genuis 🙂

    • I agree, maple syrup is good in practically anything!

  • I should correct myself and say I am a Maple Syrup Sucker 🙂 !! Thank you again 🙂 xoxo

  • We don’t do fancy either. We just make our favorite things. Last night we had a very long conversation about what exactly we’d make (although it’ll be on the weekend following Valentine’s Day) and these biscuits sound amazing. Too bad somebody doesn’t like biscuits! I’d love to eat one of these with bacon and peanut butter and maybe that sounds wrong but it sounds good to me. 🙂

    • Peanut butter yes, peanut butter and bacon…not so sure, but I’ll take your word for it 🙂

  • That’s a wonderful breakfast!

  • Hi Amanda, I’m with you, don’t like dressing up fancy and going to a crowded restaurant for Valentine’s Day. This breakfast looks so delicious and is a perfect Valentine treat. I like to add a special chocolate treat, though I save it for later in the day.

    Thanks for sharing,

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